Dec 19, 2024
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September 7, 2023
Well-versed in building and investing in successful companies, Kevin talks about what qualities are most associated with a successful entrepreneur, establishing company culture, and how he evaluates new investments.
August 10, 2023
In this episode, Amon talks about best practices for measuring and managing the success of a developing community and the mechanisms he uses to ensure the feedback he receives from his community and through technical support inquiries gets incorporated into the product.
July 17, 2023
At Unwrap.ai, we recognize the importance of delivering quality user experiences quickly. That's why we recently made a suite of improvements to minimize the latency on our platform to deliver a smooth, more responsive experience. Here are some recent strategies we implemented to significantly decrease the average latency on our platform.
June 22, 2023
Unwrap's Co-founder and CEO, Ryan Millner, sat down with one of our investors and CEO of HeyTutor, Ivan Bercovich, in our Santa Barbara headquarters.
May 25, 2023
If you’re like most folks in product, customer support, or ops roles, these days you have an excessive amount of logins giving you access to a wide variety of platforms (and if you’re like me, you may have forgotten a few of those logins altogether). In fact it seems I’m not alone; a 2021 survey* showed that the average organization had access to over 110 SaaS apps! There’s not enough time in a week to even login to that many apps, much less make use of their feature set.
May 10, 2023
Sweat is dripping down your face, your legs are pulsing from working so hard, you can feel your heart nearly beating out of your chest, almost to the exact beat of Chainsmokers Sway remix blasting in your ears. Your trainer yells enthusiastically, “you didn’t wake up today to be mediocre, keep pushing!”