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Written by

Laura Leiva

Published on

October 17, 2024

A light grey twirl with the Unwrap logo in the middle.

Stay relevant, stay ahead: Let customer feedback be your guide to growth

Imagine you build a product and bring it to market. A lot of people buy your product, and suddenly, you have funds to grow your business. 

What do you think would happen if you never sought out product feedback from the people who purchased from you? Would those newly minted plans for growth hold up over time? Likely not. 

Listening to what consumers say can directly impact your brand’s growth and customer retention. Understanding and acting on feedback makes it easier for you to develop products or services they’ll want later on. Plus, collecting this valuable data helps you create strategies that ultimately meet your customers' needs (driving sales and building brand loyalty in the process!). 

While you might be hyper-focused on driving sales, gathering customer feedback is where you'll find the real value to help you hit your goals. Every piece of feedback a customer shares, both the good and the bad, offers insight into your business you won’t find anywhere else. 

Collecting feedback and finding patterns in consumer responses helps you learn:

  • How to improve products and services
  • Customer loyalty trends
  • Which parts of the business are growing (or getting stagnant)

But how do you turn this data into something you can use? And what happens when you're faced with an overwhelming amount of feedback coming from countless sources? 

Let's explore how businesses can use these insights to improve consumer relationships, why consolidating feedback into one platform is essential, and how an AI-powered analytic platform makes processing and acting on customer feedback that much easier and more accurate. 

Customer feedback (and tracking it) has gone digital

Every interaction with your customers is an opportunity to gather valuable feedback, no matter where it happens. 

Eli Weiss, Retention Advocacy VP at Yotpo, highlights the importance of building customer confidence, retention, and loyalty from the start. “The brands that excel at retention don’t wait until after the first purchase to build loyalty—they start the moment a customer discovers them,” he says. 

Today, there are numerous ways for customers to share their opinions, each offering unique insights into their experiences. Some of the most common feedback channels include:

App Store reviews: When users download and use an app, they often leave reviews in the app store, sharing their thoughts on features, usability, and overall experience. These reviews offer a window into product functionality and areas for improvement—all from the perspective of the people who use your goods or services.

An app store on a mobile device with a customer feedback review
Image source

Customer support chats: Real-time support chats allow businesses to resolve issues quickly. These conversations also provide information about recurring problems, user frustrations, and service gaps to reduce frustration and subsequent poor customer reviews. 

Picture of a customer service representative conversation on a support chat ticket
Image source

NPS + CSAT surveys: Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys are classic methods for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. These surveys offer a snapshot of how well your company is meeting customer expectations.

A scale highlighting different net promoter cores using blue to dark orange smiley faces
Image source

Social media mentions: Whether it's X/Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, or Facebook, social media has become a prominent platform for customers to share comments about brands. Monitoring mentions on social media gives you a direct line to unfiltered customer opinions.

A social media exchange on twitter between southwest airlines and a customer.
Image source

Customer calls: Sales and customer success teams often communicate with clients via video or phone (think Gong or Zoom). These conversations offer critical feedback about product performance or suggestions for future improvements.

The challenges of processing customer feedback from different sources

While collecting customer comments from various channels is necessary to push your business forward, it also presents some obvious challenges. When feedback comes from many places, processing and acting on it can feel like trying to catch a waterfall with a bucket—in a word, overwhelming

Here are a few of the common obstacles businesses face:

  • Gaps in knowledge: When feedback is scattered across platforms, it takes time to corral it all together to get a complete picture. Without a centralized system, you may miss key trends and insights as they’re happening, leaving important customer needs unmet. 
  • Volume overload: The sheer volume of client feedback can quickly overwhelm service teams. Research shows that companies can receive tens of thousands of customer feedback comments annually. Critical feedback can slip through the cracks without an efficient way to process it all.
  • Tracking qualitative trends: Over time, customer needs and expectations change. Without a system to track these ever-changing trends, businesses may react too slowly to remain competitive or find minor issues growing into much larger ones.

Each of these challenges raises the question: Are you willing to risk not meeting your customer's needs, or would you prefer to move forward with a better solution to process your customer feedback?

Consolidating all sources of feedback into one platform is the only way forward

Imagine trying to fit a puzzle without seeing the whole picture first—talk about frustrating! This is what it's like when businesses try to manage customer feedback from multiple sources without a centralized platform. 

Consolidating customer input into a single platform offers several key benefits:

  • A centralized dashboard: When all feedback is stored in one place, teams can easily access the full spectrum of customer sentiments. This birds-eye view enables better decision-making and ensures no valuable insight goes unnoticed.
  • Improved efficiency: Instead of jumping between platforms and manually compiling data, teams can focus on analyzing trends and identifying actionable insights from a single tool. A recent study found that companies with centralized feedback systems improved response times by up to 25%. And as the saying goes, happy customers are loyal customers. 
  • Cross-team collaboration: Customer feedback isn't just for one department—it's valuable for product development to marketing. Different teams can collaborate more effectively by having a single platform for all feedback and using the same data to improve products, services, and messaging.

With this centralized data in hand, you can move forward with decisions that positively impact both the company and the customer.

How AI-powered platforms transform feedback into insights you can use 

Accessing all your customer feedback in one place is a great start, but the sheer volume can be a lot to sift through, using up resources and time in the process. 

With the help of a platform that’s powered by AI, tracking and utilizing that feedback—to prioritize or build product roadmaps—makes things accessible and more manageable. For example, a platform like Unwrap can transform raw data into meaningful, actionable insights, making the process of combing through hundreds of thousands of entries more efficient and less stressful.

Uncovering insights and driving customer satisfaction

  • Pattern recognition: AI is incredibly efficient at recognizing patterns in large datasets. It can sift through thousands of customer comments and identify recurring themes, whether it's a specific feature that users love or a common complaint that needs addressing.
  • Sentiment analysis: Understanding customers' feelings is as important as what they say. AI-powered sentiment analysis can gauge whether a piece of feedback is positive or negative. This helps businesses better understand customer satisfaction and areas for improvement—quickly.
  • Actionable insights: AI platforms group feedback based on similar themes so teams can take immediate action.  This allows businesses to quickly prioritize issues, implement solutions, and improve customer experiences in an effort to slow down churn rates. 

All in all, AI provides the speed and accuracy to make faster, more data-driven decisions. It reduces the burden of manual feedback processing, allowing teams to focus on strategic improvements that align with customer expectations.

Why customer-led growth ensures business longevity

A software company might use customer feedback to prioritize bug fixes and feature updates, while a retail business might adjust its product offerings based on customer demand. 

Today, customer-led growth is more than just a buzzword—it's a proven strategy for long-term success. Businesses that listen to their customers, act on their feedback, and use those insights to drive product and service improvements often see significant benefits. 

Here's why:

  • Better alignment with customer needs: When customers see a business is listening to their feedback and actively making changes based on reviews or feedback, they're more likely to stay loyal to the brand. By acting on these suggestions, businesses meet customer needs and stay ahead of the competition, potentially leading to an increased capture of market share and revenue.
  • Higher customer satisfaction and retention: Companies incorporating customer insights into their strategy saw a 10-20% increase in customer retention over competitors who ignored feedback.

Companies that thrive prioritize their customers' voices. Plain and simple. 

Customer feedback is the cornerstone of sustainable business growth

It’s no secret that consumers’  needs constantly evolve. The companies that listen, adapt, and grow with those needs will move forward. 

By consolidating feedback from multiple sources and using accurate NLP technology to process and act on it, businesses can gain insight that improves products, services, and customer experiences.

Read how Sunrun turns customer insights into measurable growth.